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Onsight Workplace Training

Listed below are details regarding Onsight Workplace Training Classes.

Onsite Workplace Training

A co-worker collapses in the lunchroom. They are unresponsive and gasping for air. What should you do?

Your boss is slurring his speech and his right arm is weak. Do you know what F.A.S.T. means?

Your child is choking and turning blue. Can you perform the Heimlich maneuver?

First Aid CPR AED training covers these topics and many more.

AED’s in the workplace with trained employees can make the difference. between life and death.
CPR AED training keeps victims alive until advanced emergency help arrives. 

Training empowers people to respond confidently and quickly.  Having the knowledge and skills can make a difference We provide onsite workplace  training for healthcare workers, CPR/AED and First Aid training for companies needing to meet MIOSHA  OSHA guidelines, train teachers, coaches. Daycare  workers and group Homes care givers.

The instructors at Comprehensive Health & Safety Education (C.H.A.S.E) are available for onsite training any day or time. Our trainers are efficient, fun and work to create a stress-free, relaxed and comfortable environment.

These classes can be completed either online blended or classroom.